Friday, December 2, 2011

Wait... What?!

Pageant tool kit, every contestant has their own and, pretty much, includes the same must-have items for any pageant transformation. According to, this kit includes:

Butt Glue

Contestants use this spray adhesive to keep their swimsuits in place.

Cupcake Dress

This style of dress has many ruffled layers and resembles a tutu.

Curling Iron

Extra Jewelry

Fake Eyelashes

Fake Nails and Nail Glue


Attached to a child's own hair, this hairpiece cascades down and is normally curled.


Contestants use temporary clip-on or snap-in teeth to enhance a crooked smile or cover missing teeth.

Foam Head

When she's not wearing a wig, a contestant will store the hairpiece on a foam head.

Glue Gun with Glue Sticks

Parents use glue guns to attach sequins, rhinestones, beads and appliqués to their children's outfits.

Hair Straighter

TONS of Hairspray

Hot Rollers


Sewing Kit

Shoe Covers

Contestants rely on these to prevent scuffs.

Skin Shimmer


They protect contestants' lipstick.


Used to make hair look fuller, this hairpiece usually is placed at the crown of the head.

See all of that? That is only some of must haves to get from the before photo to the after photo. That list doesn’t even include: tanning, teeth bleaching, waxing and shaving! Yes! I did say tanning. Parents do tan their children, for obvious reason to appear darker. One episode I watched a parent did bleach her children teeth, the children ages 5 & 8, received teeth bleaching from their mom. Not many kids receive teeth bleaching because they wear flippers. For waxing and shaving children as young as seven get their eyebrows waxed and legs shaven. One mom explains that shaving her daughters’ legs helps the tanning lotion stick to her legs. All of this just to win a pageant and few thousand dollars.

It’s not cheap to show off your child’s beauty. Parents typically spend between $100-$200 on pageant clothing, although some pay as much as $1,000 for a gown. Pageant fees cost another $100-$200 per contest, and the 41 mothers who Levey interviewed competed in an average of five pageants during the past year. In addition, those with higher incomes may hire someone to do the child’s hair, or a pageant coach to give their child an extra advantage.” ( This is a good estimate of the costs for a pageant. Don’t forget to include lodging and, food for the weekend and transportation fees.

You wouldn’t even know that the two photos are the same girl. This is because of the “beauty pageant transformation”, I guess you could call that. After all the makeup, tanning and fake hair the contestants’ result is a full makeover. And it’s not just this girl is every contestant; they appear to be behind their age. Keep in mind, all this is for a “glitz pageant”. There are various forms of pageants: glitz, natural, semi-glitz, face, scholarships, co-ed and online pageants.    

Boys and girls of every age, wouldn’t you like to see something strange?
“This is Halloween”, The Nightmare Before Christmas 


  1. I can't imagine any mother putting her child through all of that. I feel really badly for the little girls. They're teaching their children that on their own they aren't good enough... it's really sad and a little extreme.

  2. After reading your blog I've become even more against pageants for young children then I was before. It's so sad to see parents go this far and spend that much money in order to win a crown... something that'll be put on a shelf later on. I understand that these young children do have talent but to teach them at such a young age that beauty is all that matters and present to them these beauty procedures definitely ruins a kid's childhood. I find that these parents should stop forcing their own dreams on their children and instead of spending all of that money on a dress and teeth whitening they should save it up for their kid's future.

  3. HAHA! This is ridiculous, I personally get annoyed by girls who act "plastic." They are way too high maintenance and think they are better than everyone else. So I disagree with these young children in these pageants because they are making these kids obnoxious at a young age. I actually feel bad for the parents because they just make it harder for themselves because now if their kid expects the best and nothing less and if they don't get the best they throw a temper tantrum.

  4. When I watch toddlers&tiaras, the first thing that pops in my head would be why do these parents spend money on their children for a pageant that would have prizes for 1000$, when the actual "beautification" process is more. I once saw this episode that a lady spent a quarter of a million dollar on one of her two daughters( who are like 9 months), for a prize that's 1000$...That's crazy
